Monday, June 08, 2009

No Auto-Play Music Please

Sometimes I wonder whether people who put auto-play music in their blog actually visit their own blog at all. Because if they do, they would know how annoying it is. :P

Of course I have no right to ask people to remove their favourite musics. But at the very least, please make it play only on request, or give us an option to disable it. Thanks.


day-dreamer said...

Yeah... agreed... sometimes it makes the browser lag too...

jinxiang said...


changyang1230 said...

Haha Jin Xiang no that wasn't referring to you in particular. Sorry if it sounded like it. It's just one of the peeves in my surfing habit, and when I was visiting a blog (not yours) just now, it finally made me go mad and made me write this. :D

solcroft said...

Install NoScript in Firefox. Problem solved.

Jasmine said...


WP said...

I agree! But I think making it play automatically (even with an option to stop it) is annoying enough...sometimes I have to search all over the page to find the player. On request is much better.

Henry Yew said...

I agree. Like some others, I used to include music in my blog too. But I had always set it to play only when the reader chooses to.

Sometimes, it comes as a shock when a song auto-plays when you are visiting a blog. If it is a relaxing song I find it fine. However, it gets to my nerves when a loud blast enters my ears while visiting a blog.

A complete turn-off.