Monday, October 13, 2008

Pee Shiver (1)

Something interesting for everyone - pee shiver, piss shiver, or whatever you want to name it. - Get free polls, widgets, opinions and earn points!

Let me be the first voter - I chose option 1. Feel free to chip in your two cents in the comment section too! Let's keep this poll open for one week or two, and I shall let you in the good bit later. :D

Dedicated to Jie Ni, my childhood friend :P


Jie Ni said...

Ahem,Chang Yang asked this question when we was in Standard 4..
Our science teacher, a female,then pointed this question to a male teacher,unfortunately,I forgot the ending.
HA HA HA..Thanks for this special dedication,I truly appreciate it.

day-dreamer said...

Wah, interesting question leh.

What if sometimes yes sometimes no? LOL.

Jie Ni said...

Chang Yang, I am not the only one! One of our classmates, XXX XXXXX XXX remembers your "interesting" question.Yesterday night,we talked about that and we laughed at you..Haha!

Oh ya,
Correction of my 1st comment :
"...when we were..."

changyang1230 said...

Haha Jie Ni, who is XXX XXXX XXX? Lau Ching Kok? :D

Day-dreamer: That counts as YES. :P