Be a Man!
Update: Flash changed to a link due to the annoying flushing sound. I thank the feedback from those who complaint. :P
Be a man, do the right thing!

Anyway ya, restroom etiquettes. Before you read this, and if you are among those who have never had the privilege to use a urinal, please try the flash game above first. After playing the game, I find myself agreeing with most of the "etiquettes" implied inside, except for the 0/1/0/0/1/1 case. For me, I would go next to the single person instead of the couple... Seriously, what are people thinking? If I go next to the couple, there two persons what will potentially see me, okay?! I will not be so careless leh. As for the 0/1/0/1/0/1/door scenario, I find myself in agreement with the game - unless the urine in my bladder has reached the critical mass, I wouldn't think about breaking the tension in the toilet. It's too dangerous.
Why is it dangerous? Haha, I just learnt that urinals can be a potential trigger of a toilet war... Amazingly, someone actually made a not-too-short video about restroom etiquette and toilet war, and youtube crowd made it one of the most popular videos of all time. It's awesome, and sounds logical except for the part where people start fighting each other.
So I hope you enjoy your "urintiquette" lesson, and put it to good use in the future.
p/s: Haha, while I was looking for a "urinal frog" picture in Flickr, this picture came out. Apparently a doctor ordered for an "urinary frog" in a lab test :P
Wah... rupa-rupanya men going to ease themselves have a set of etiquettes too?!
I never knew.
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