Saturday, December 30, 2006

Amazing Video - Kiwi

There are many lousy and lame videos in youtube, the most popular video-sharing website in the world. But not all of them are that bad. In the past, when I was doing some random surfing, I stumbled upon this particularly high-rated video and I was thoroughly moved by the message in it. I can't help to watch it over and over again, and every time I can't stop myself having a chill going down my spine.

I know the connection in Malaysia is kind of bad now, but do watch this video when you have a reasonable connection.

If you don't understand the content (like me when I first watched it), you can find more information about this video here.


Anonymous said...

oooh...NOW i understand... (after reading the comments about the video)..nice..

nh said...

Ah, I cheated. I read the explanation while waiting for the video to finish loading. So I'll never know whether I would understand the animation by myself or not.

Anyway, isn't death too much a price to pay to realize a dream? I was already feeling the sadness when Kiwi started jumping off the cliff. And when the melancholic music played while Kiwi "flied" through the forest, the sadness felt was at its climax. :(

Guess what? I just couldn't hear the "Thud". I replayed the ending part for so many times then only I heard a real soft "Thud". Could be an imaginary "Thud" also. :p

Or was it me who shut out the "Thud" sound unconsciously? (Denying that Kiwi has hit the ground..) Heh..

Eunice Tan said...

honestly.....I understand d video clip aft 1st time I watch it ady.....I was like...OMG....he's going to jump???

What I've learned.....

Some ppl prefer to sacrifice or die for their dreams, while some never...

but's good tat u take initiatives to acchieve ur dreams, but at the same time...U shud know wat u hv(ur strengths and weaknesses)while setting dreams...

For those who nv want to sacrifice(time, money, determination)for their dreams....u will find tat ur life is meaningless...

Conclusion:Dare to dream and take steps to realise ur the same time...estimate ur limits to achive dreams...*it's like spring theory...u can try to push beyond ur limits but not until die/injure beyond the limits...hehez

Just my 2 cents...=D

day-dreamer said...

Well well well... although I thought the animation was cute when I watched it, I do not understand the real story. Now that I've read the comments, the picture got clearer.

It's good to dream, yeah. But I don't know whether I will sacrifice myself in order to realize my dreams...

Will you?

heng Liang said...

well.. to be honest, i didn't need the "explanations" to understand.. it's pretty straightforward.

in fact, i "felt" what the kiwi felt (i.e. tears almost rolled down my cheek), or you can say i felt for it.

but, i'm good at all putting my foot in else's shoes.

i get touched easily by songs and stories.

heng Liang said...

ps: i was "moved" not bcuz it strived for its dream, but it strived hard (i.e. may include life sacrifice) for realising its dream.

pps: ..."berani dengan tidak membuta tuli"...

Eric said...

Initially when I watched this video (with mute), I thought the theme was environmental. Humans are deforesting at a rate so alarming that even the kiwis step forward to save the trees.

But this guess start to not make sense when the kiwi jumped off the cliff.

changyang1230 said...

anonymous: Hah, yeah it's nice in a way that it touches our hearts with a tinge of sadness.

sophisticatedsoul: Hah, I didn't hear that thud too until I read that explanation... In fact I didn't really pay much attention in the video when I first watched it, so that was another of my excuse of not understanding it. Anyway I agree that it's not right to sacrifice your life for a single dream, but it's nevertheless a good food for thought: to what extent should we sacrifice all aspects of our lives in order to realize dreams?

4seasonspring: Agreed. I found it touching but I did not really agree with the action. Anyway, I don't really think that the animator tried to send the message of "we could / should die for our dreams".

day-dreamer: No, I won't. My dreams aren't that grand anyway.

Heng Liang: Haha you so smart. :) But yeah, the dream-crafting is very touching indeed.

Eric fu: LOL.. :) Yeah your initial interpretation was quite off worr.. :P

Anonymous said...

Hmm.... Actually... I disagree with the 'explanation'

It says:
"no matter how absurd and seemingly out of reach your dreams are, what's stopping you from achieving them?"'s basically just an illusion... Lying to one's self --> death...

Haha, how's that for being pessimistic