Tuesday, January 29, 2008

When Someone Dies

When someone dies, everyone around the deceased will come out with their own version of eulogies. Friends speak of how fantastic the person had been, acquaintances would say "how I wish I have known her better when she was alive." On the other hand, if anyone dares to insult the deceased, that person would be lambasted upon as a mean, worthless dick.

I can't help but to wonder: How much better the world would be if such a moral perspective and such camaraderie spirit apply on people who are alive. In any case, dead people can't be hurt anymore; but the living can be hurt.

Not saying that it's right to insult the deceased though.


Anonymous said...

If you really think about, everyone will die at some point. Its just best to think of death as another meal, another breath or anything else that everyone knows happens all the time. Sure you'll be depressed, but time will heal that. And if not, they have to think long and hard about themselves and the horribly stupid emotions they keep in their minds.

Alvin Ooi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alvin Ooi said...

actually one of the reasons we shouldn't bitch abt the deceased is tht he/she might come and the bitch-er...

changyang1230 said...

Anonymous: Eerm. But people tend to think of it as the LAST breath, LAST meal instead of another breath, another meal.

Alvin: Haha! Yeah didn't think of that. True indeed.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what the deleted comment was?

changyang1230 said...

It was a typo in Alvin's comment.

vseehua said...

wonder why we are so scared of death when it's inevitable anyway...

changyang1230 said...

I guess the evolutionary explanation is "evolved instinct"; while the psychological explanation would be everyone is afraid of losing grip and head to the unknown.

vseehua said...

well, losing the grip and being able to head into the unknown is what makes great people... great...

spxi said...

My dear colleauge just lost his 3-year-old sun,I searched the way to comfort him via the internet and ur blog happened to show up as the 1st item.

curious about ur expression. attetion will be paid more~