Saturday, April 07, 2007

Calling All Keat Hwa Alumni

This is a call for fellow Keat-Hwa Alumnis - Keat Hwa needs some help. I came across the news in Tian Poh's blog, via this blog. I quote from Tian Poh:



以前的吉华坐落在四周都是稻田的土地上,那种情景可以用angin bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa来比喻(这样子写karangan已经拿到印象分了),禾风阵阵,好怀念。比较起周围的地形,校园的地形明显是比较高。所以一般的下雨不会造成水淹校园的情况。但是近年的米都发展蓬勃,吉华四周的田地已经被雨後春笋般的住宅区取代了,这间接或直接(不是马接)的导致水流不通,一雨成灾。这是问题其一。我想如果我还是学生,我的脚常要穿著被弄溼的校鞋,那种滋味肯定够苦。

问题其二是校园交通异常拥挤。随著学生人数的增加,载送学生上下课的学巴及家长车辆越来越多。每天上午班放学前(也就是下午班陆陆续续到来学校之时),学校前面地“椰林小道”还有礼堂前面仅有的一块“周会小地” 都堆满著这些车子及学巴,当然还有下车的学生们。其实,驾驶技术不太好地话,也还真难把车驾到裏面去,然後U-TURN 出来。这种情况是可以威胁学生安全的。我有深刻的体会因爲我每个月都会有一两次到学校载小妹回家。第一次看到那个拥挤的情况时,我是目瞪口呆。







P/S: 不是校友当然也可以成爲赞助人。。。
For a slightly related English translation, do read it here. I am looking at donating some money, so I will contact my parents and see what I could do about it. For those who are in Malaysia now, do join your force and grab the golden chance to repay our alma mater!


StanleyYP said...

during our graduation in Keat Hwa, the alumni suggested purchasing the land for Keat Hwa.

How come I have seen houses erected next to the school? it's like, higher than our school blocks. quite pathetic.....

Eunice Tan said...

Mr Chow summoned up upper six students 2 weeks ago regarding this class is collecting our own fund(each of us donate min of RM10) to help the skul beside searching sponsor frm outside......there will also be a fund-raising dinner around these coming 2 weeks(paiseh,4get the exact date edi..XD)

changyang1230 said...

YP: Eerm, power of economy?

4seasonspring: Eerm, it's quite disheartening to see our school going through the fundraising process year after year. :(

Anonymous said...

power of politics i would think so.

Eunice Tan said...

youngyew:hey, guess wat....our class manage to collect RM1000...^^

yeah, this has been the 2nd fundraising project aft I spend....not even one year in Keat Hwa....

but to be honest......the houses and shops erected next to the school are simply..."da sha feng jing"....quite an eyesore

changyang1230 said...

Anonymous: Guess so too. :(

4seasonspring: Wow bravo! Yeah twenty years from now, Keat Hwa might be only a few buildings tuck deep inside concrete jungles. Yuck!